kura, rangatahi me kōhanga
Schools, Youth & ECE Groups
We collaborate with the Auckland Council's Sustainable Schools program to enable children to participate in our projects and contribute to planting sessions both at their schools and in the wider peninsula area. Children have worked on signage to raise awareness of what we are doing, water testing, murals, litter intelligence, Matariki lantern making, discovering our maunga, pest weed work, and visited our nurseries in ‘beyond the school gate’ programs. We collaborate with 10 schools, 2 play centres, 2 Kindergartens and some ECE centres on Takarunga Hauraki Peninsula. Our volunteers working on this program are passionate about sharing the wonder of the natural world to connect the next generation to Te Taiao / our environment.
If you would like to find out more please get in touch with Lance at lance@rth.org.nz or 027 359 6722
Schools, Youth and ECE opportunities

Eco-corridor Restoration
Join us to help restore, build and maintain our eco-corridors.

Kaupapa Māori and Waka Tapa Rua / Biculturalism
Weave knowledge and understanding of both treaty partners equitably into our mahi for Tauiwi and Tangata Whenua to be excellent treaty partners, each drawing from cultural strengths and learning as we journey in our shared waka.

Citizen Science
Understand and document the natural systems that make life sustainable.

Pest Eradication
Run a pest trap line at your school.

Indigenous Ecology and
Art Wananga
We offer hands-on learning opportunities featuring various arts disciplines, indigenous perspectives and ecological restoration practices.

Native Plant Nurseries
Help us increase biodiversity whilst learning about our unique native plants