Volunteer with us
Join an active community group or project in our network.
We have a number of passionate people in the Takarunga Hauraki whānau who contribute a little or a lot of their time to progressing our work. Whatever skills you have we can use them. Getting outside and into the environment and socialising is good for your health and we do lots of this. We live in a stunningly beautiful environment, and enjoy listening to the birds, seeing the trees grow and city views with rainbows and sunshine. Come join like-minded people, tell us about your local reserve and pet projects, consider bush and waterway restoration, rat trapping, eco-literacy programmes, citizen science or building our project capability with your expertise and contribute to sustaining a thriving community. We have many opportunities and flexible timeframes. We learn from each other with an emphasis on Mātauranga Māori and using the Maramataka and rhythms of the natural world to plan our activities.
Whether you are an individual volunteer or a corporate group or a sports club wanting team building we have roles and projects that you can work on. So please - get in touch here and have a positive impact on our environment.
When we work in the Whenua we need sunblock, a hat, long sleeves and long trousers to protect our skin and a raincoat. We usually have gloves available to protect our hands.
Volunteer opportunities

Eco-corridor Restoration
Join a weekly group to help restore, build and maintain our eco-corridors.

Kaupapa Māori and Waka Tapa Rua / Biculturalism
Weave knowledge and understanding of both treaty partners equitably into our mahi for Tauiwi and Tangata Whenua to be excellent treaty partners, each drawing from cultural strengths and learning as we journey in our shared waka.

Native Plant Nurseries
Join our weekly group to grow native plants. Help us increase biodiversity whilst learning about our unique native plants

Pest Eradication
Run a pest trap line at a time that suits you each week.

Community Groups, Schools, Corporate Volunteering
Gift your time to help create a sustainable world.

Eco-literacy & Outdoor Learning
Share the wonder that will connect the next generation to our environment.