Kō wai mātou
Who We Are
We are a community-led ecological restoration and outdoor learning program founded in 2017 for Takarunga Hauraki (Devonport Peninsula).
Volunteer teams are the heart of our program. These teams are working together to protect and restore the local forests, wetlands, streams, and estuaries by learning and taking careful actions, evaluating what we do and building on our success. We use mātauranga Māori and the maramataka to connect our actions to the rhythms of the natural world.
It is our privilege to support the kaitiaki of Maungauika and Takarunga in restoring the mana of this sacred
tūpuna maunga.

Our Mission - Mātauranga mo te taiao
To build a volunteer community that works together to restore our natural environment using knowledge from research, mātauranga Māori, and a learning and teaching program to reduce the impact of climate change and build a carbon-zero world.
Our Vision

Our Values
Mātauranga Māori; We recognise the importance of knowledge passed down from Mana Whenua living here for many generations
Manaakitanga; We welcome a diverse range of volunteers and participants to our group
Intrinsic value; we respect nature and recognise that the natural environment has intrinsic value
Informed decision-making; we strive to obtain the best information and data available upon which to make decisions
Innovation and new technology; we actively seek out innovative and less‐toxic approaches and employ new technology where practical
Whakawhanaungatanga and Collaboration; we recognise the value of building strong respectful relationships and working collaboratively toward a common vision and outcomes
Kaitiakitanga; we recognise and support the role of mana whenua as kaitiaki
Our Area
Takarunga Hauraki Peninsula
Our area runs from Te Hau Kapua /Devonport up the peninsula to Esmonde road. It includes two Tūpuna Maunga - Takarunga /Mt Victoria behind Devonport village and Maungauika /North Head at the entrance to the Waitematā. It also includes the urban areas of Bayswater and Hauraki and is bounded on all sides by water. The bays within the Waitematā harbour are highly protected ecological areas for shore and estuary birds and migratory species, known as the Northwest Wildlink.
A note about our names; Takararo used to be a maunga below Takarunga, but was quarried away and used to fill in a bay that is now the golf course/Alison park.
Ngau-te-ringaringa refers to the bay commonly called Ngātaringa Bay, but older references and oral histories in Auckland use the longer name that refers to a bitten hand - chiefly blood spilt whilst out fishing in the bay.

Hauraki Gulf
Tīkapa Moana - Our connection to the Hauraki Gulf
Operetū above Narrow Neck Beach looks across to the pest-free island of Rangitoto, with Motutapu behind. This is a short 2 km flight for birds wanting to expand their range into the Devonport peninsula. As our native plants and forest grow we will become a stop-off point for birds like Kākā, and Kereru as they continue on to Kaipatiki and the Waitakere forest. We hope some species that we have lost in the past like Korimako/Bellbird and TitiPounamu/Riflemen will return to our area.